Tips for Managing Your Acne and the Scars That Come With It


Having acne is no walk in the park and even though it’s mostly associated with teenagers, it’s a condition that affects adults too.

There are a number of different treatments available for this common skin condition, many of which can actually clear up your skin for good.

Acne Explained

Acne is a result of oil buildup under the skin, which causes the skin to become inflamed. When the glands that are responsible for discarding dead skin cells are blocked by hair follicles, oil begins to build up and the skin becomes clogged and infected.

There are several different forms of acne that can occur on different areas of the body, all of which are frustrating and embarrassing.

Understanding Acne Scars

Unfortunately, acne sufferers are no strangers to scars either. Because acne occurs below the surface of the skin, it can also affect the deeper layers of tissue and leave scars. Before you can start thinking about reducing the appearance of your acne scars, you will need to focus on clearing up your acne.

If you have found that over-the-counter products are simply not helping you achieve a clearer skin, it might be helpful to consult with a dermatologist who can suggest the right products for your particular form of acne.

Treating Acne Scars with Laser

Advances in laser technology have made it possible to clear up acne scars while also improving the colour, tone and texture of the skin, leaving patients with a smoother appearance after only a few treatments. Most patients will need at least 2 – 3 treatments that are spaced about a month apart before they will start seeing good results.

Specialists for Pico Genesis laser, Clinica Lase, use laser technology to encourage the production of new skin cells that will eventually cover the damaged skin cells. Each treatment is very quick and minimally uncomfortable.

Preparing for Your Laser Treatment

Below are a few tips that will help you prepare for your acne scar treatment.

  • Stay out of the sun for at least 2 weeks before your treatment
  • Use a high-SPF sunscreen to protect your skin a month before your treatment and avoid any fake tanning products and treatments
  • Make your doctor aware of any medications and supplements that you’re taking as they may

Understanding the Side Effects of Laser Treatments

Even though every care will be taken to reduce side effects, it’s best to know what to expect:

  • Mild redness: This will disappear within a day or two
  • Crusting of the treated area: This generally takes several days to clear up
  • Scarring: This is only a possibility if your laser technician is inexperienced
  • Swelling: This will fade within a few hours but patients may need a day or two to recover
  • Bruising: This is also a very rare side effect that is mostly caused by an inexperienced clinician

To ensure that your skin is well taken care of, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable clinic that specialises in acne scar laser treatments.

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